Welcome to the Chamber Blog

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“Fiction and fact from Bob’s Almanac—is it fiction or is it fact—to find out, you’ll have to read his almanac.”

Okay, enough with the rhymes, already.  However, there’s nothing like a quick tongue-twisting word ditty to kick off this, your Chamber’s newest communication outreach: The GSVCC Blog.
It seems that every Chamber Professional Development Session that I attend includes at least one class on how to be a highly-effective Chamber President/CEO.  During these classes they always stress the importance of actively maintaining a robust blog that’s bursting with topical information and tips of all types.  Instructors at these sessions are frequently career Chamber types, who point out that blogging is the best method for Chamber honchos to connect directly with their members. 

In particular, they make a compelling case that the leaders of regional Chambers, such as the Greater Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce, will probably never be able to make truly personal, one-on-one style connections with each and every member.  They tell me that Chamber members, that would be you, actually prefer a short (no more than 300 words or so) and regularly published blog-style posting.

What’s more, this post should include a smattering of well-timed information and tidbits that provides the reader with a few morsels of inside knowledge about what’s going on in their area.  Well, I have to admit, that’s exactly the brand of writing that I most enjoy.

So here goes…Welcome to this the first edition of The GSVCC Blog, known better as ‘Bob’s Blog.’  I’ll be doing my level best to publish, via the Chamber’s website and Facebook page, a daily or at least near-daily blog, to keep up to date on economic and community development happenings right here in the Greater Susquehanna Valley.  Happy reading.
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Printed courtesy of www.gsvcc.org/ – Contact the Greater Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce for more information.
2859 N Susquehanna Trail, Shamokin Dam, PA 17876 – (570) 743-4100 – info@gsvcc.org