Staying Focused

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Your Chamber of Commerce is strategically focused. But you may ask: Where, exactly, do the Chamber’s strategic priorities come from? Good question. The short answer is: You!

Please click on this SurveyMonkey® link to complete the questionnaire that will ask you to answer 15 ‘at your fingertips’ type questions. The whole process takes less than ten minutes to complete. As your data, and the data of your 500+ fellow Chamber members rolls in, it will be analyzed, sorted, and tabulated to create the foundation of what will become our 2023-2024 Strategic Plan.

You may be interested in knowing that our Community Prosperity Alliance, the committee made up of the Main Street, Elm Street, Visitors Center staff, as well as other community event sponsors is partnering with us this year in completing this survey. We’re hopeful that a hundred or more “downtown businesses” will participate in the survey. Together, their input will give us a good understanding of economic health of our downtowns, while helping to build on the resiliency that has gotten us through the past few years.
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