Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) – We Can Build Safe Online Spaces

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Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) – We Can Build Safe Online Spaces
By: Mae-Ling Kranz, CEO of Transitions of PA
April marks Sexual Assault Awareness Month.  With the recent passing of the one-year anniversary of the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are reflecting on the events of the past year.  Much like the rest of the world, the pandemic has pushed organizations, businesses, and schools in the Susquehanna Valley to rely heavily on digital and online platforms for communication. As technology has evolved to become a part of our everyday lives, we are becoming painfully aware of the ways it can be used to bully, threaten, and commit abuse.
Sexual violence is an umbrella term that includes any type of unwanted sexual contact – either in person or online – including sexual assault, harassment, and abuse.  Online sexual abuse can be any type of sexual harassment, exploitation, or abuse that takes place through screens.  Actions such as sending unwanted comments based on sex, unwanted requests for nude photos or videos, or live-streaming sexual acts or other offensive content of a sexual nature through platforms such as Zoom, Facebook, or Instagram are becoming more prevalent.  Although these actions may be happening behind a screen, it does not minimize the impact on victims – especially if it involves our children.
This April, we will be giving focus to building safe online spaces as we support the nationwide efforts of the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) and the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (PCAR)’s 2021 Sexual Assault Awareness Month campaign – “We Can Build Safe Online Spaces.”
In April, Transitions of PA will be sharing information on how you can practice consent online, keep the kids in your life safe from abuse, and facilitate and participate in respectful online communities.  We will explore the impacts of online abuse and continue to share the options available for survivors looking for support.  We hope you will join us.
If you or someone you know has been the victim of abuse, we are here when you need someone to listen – 1-800-850-7948.
Transitions is a Crisis Center whose mission is to provide advocacy, empowerment, and education to victims, survivors, families, and communities to end patterns of violence and abuse. 

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