Membership Spotlight: 10 tips on how to get along with people!

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10 tips on how to get along with people!
1. Keep skid chains on your tongue. Always say less than you think.
            Cultivate a low, calm, persuasive voice
2. Make promises sparingly and keep them faithfully, no matter what it costs you.
3. Never let an opportunity pass to say a kind and encouraging thing to or about somebody.
4. Be interested in others. 
            Rejoice with those who rejoice.
            Mourn with those who mourn.
            Let everyone you met, however humble, know you regard him/her as important.
5. Be cheerful
            Keep the corners of your mouth turned up.
            Hide your pains, worries, and disappointments with a smile.
            Laugh at good, clean stories and learn to tell them.
6. Preserve an open mind on all debatable questions
            Discuss but don’t argue.
            It is a mark of superior minds to disagree but in a friendly way.
7. Let your virtues speak for themselves and refuse to talk of others’ vices.
            Discourage gossip.
            Make a rule to say nothing of another unless it is something good.
8. Be careful of another’s feelings.
            Wit and humor at another’s expense is rarely worth the effort.
9. Pay no attention to ill-natured remarks about you.
            Simply live so that nobody will believe them.
10. Don’t be too anxious about what is due to you.
            Do your work, be patient, and keep your disposition nice.
            Forget yourself and you will have your best chance of being rewarded.
Caz Russell
Leadership Development Facilitator
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