Let’s meet, greet, and get to know one another, better

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There are few activities more ‘All American’ than the tradition of a ‘Meet-and-Greet’ over a cup of coffee with home cooked goodies nearby…

With this in mind, please know that you’re invited to an event being held at 8:30 am, on Friday, December 9th along with your fellow Chamber friends and members to meet our ‘newly re-elected/newly elected’ state and federal officials. We’ve set aside a little more than an hour on Friday morning, and have reserved several tables at the Silvermoon Café, located at 150 Silvermoon Drive, just off of US Route 15 north of Lewisburg for this get together.

So far, we’ve received confirmations from State Representatives Stephanie Borowicz (R-76th),  David Rowe (R-85th), and State Representative-elect Jamie Flick (R-83rd).  We’re expecting a few acceptances from our legislators to roll in before Friday morning.
There’s tried-and-true wisdom to the notion that for those of us working to improve the communities and the economies of our valley that the better we get to know our elected officials, the better our chances of mutual success. We hope to build rapport among each other, to encourage an open exchange of ideas, all while enjoying the fine home cookin’ of the Silvermoon Cafe.

The members of the Greater Susquehanna Valley Chamber’s Governmental Affairs Committee are hosting this event, and you and your colleagues are invited to meet-and-greet details our representatives in Harrisburg.
With a warm handshake in thought, I’m looking forward to seeing you this Friday morning, December 9th, at the Silvermoon Café.
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