Central PA – The Innovative Manufacturers’ Center (IMC), Inc. is excited to announce their June 21st Cybersecurity: What You Need to Know to Protect Your Business & Build Customer Trust event in Williamsport, PA. This event is intended for the Central PA manufacturing community and is made possible through special funding from the PA Department of Community & Economic Development with marketing support from technology provider, Compu-Gen Technologies, Inc.
“Cybercrimes are getting more complex. A short time ago ransomware felt like the biggest threat, but now points of entry are shifting. The acts are tricky and deceiving. Hackers, as we commonly refer to them, are infiltrating our social networks, hanging out for a while, learning our habits and behaviors and striking when you may least expect it. This is a big concern for manufacturing operations resilience and has implications for business insurance.” Dennis Gilbert, IMC President.
This program will feature FBI Special Agent Daniel Sherry, who will present information on the most recent types of activity that the FBI encounters. He will address topical areas such as cybercrimes, common or well disguised fraud attempts, current high risks as viewed by FBI agents, and help us reconsider our personal and business awareness of risks and threats.
Also presenting is Scott Dawson, President and Co-Founder of Core Business Solutions, Inc. Scott will discuss ways to protect your data and build customer trust, specifically covering the priorities of addressing Cybersecurity risks for businesses and what resources are available.
Manufacturers interested in attending this no-cost event can register at https://imcpa.com/event/cybersecurity-2/.