By: Sam Pearson, Executive Director of Lewisburg Neighborhoods
In April 2020, as the pandemic lockdowns kicked in, we took stock of our newly limited options and realized that people could and should still be going outside so we invited everyone to make sure that outdoor time was part of that weird interval’s version of normal. We also pointed out that picking up litter can be undertaken quite well as a solitary activity.
It turns out that huge numbers of people both here and around the world took outdoor recreation to heart and really made some tracks. Trails, parks, campgrounds, and distributed outdoor challenges proved to be incredibly popular. Unfortunately, all that foot traffic combined with the proliferation of a new disposable accessory (the ubiquitous face mask) translated into a lot of litter! This spring we’re going to do something about that.
Consider taking part in some or all of the following cleanups in the area:
Buffalo Valley Rail Trail Cleanup — Saturday, April 10, check-in from 9:30 to 10:30am (end by noon), with two potential starting points at the 15th St trailhead in Lewisburg and the 5th St trailhead in Mifflinburg. Rain date is Saturday, April 17, same time and locations. This event is run by the Union County Trail Authority.
Susquehanna River Cleanup — Sunday, April 18, from 8:30am to noon, Sunbury boat launch (at the south end of town). Rain date Sunday, April 25, same time and location. This event is put on by the Susquehanna River Cleanup Project.
If one-off events are not enough for you, consider incorporating some community garden time into your schedule. Starting April 1, the Lewisburg Community Garden hosts volunteer hours every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 4 to 7pm. You can come once or take part many times. You do not have to be a plot renter, but you do need to sign up in advance: Volunteers help with the half of the garden that is grown for donation to the Community Harvest weekly meal program.
Community garden – Gardening in 2020:

Trail Cleanup Sign – Created by Kelly Elementary students in 2012

Trail cleanup – Mifflinburg Trailhead Cleanup 2014:
Community cleanup – Along Bull Run in 2015