From Where I Sit...

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From Where I Sit…
by Bob Garrett

“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.” ~Winston Churchill

“Thank you, Art. Thank you, all.”

Givers gain…

Wrapping his 10+-year tenure of leadership with and for his Chamber later this year, Art Thomas would be the first to suggest that he and his companies have gained far more from his Chamber than he could have possibly given. Arthur T. Thomas, P.E. (Professional Engineer) is the President of Meck-Tech Engineering and Land Surveying and Diversified Construction, is the current Immediate Past Chairman of your Chamber of Commerce. Well, done and thank you, Art!

Before we ‘allow Art to leave the room’ he has one more task to accomplish. That is, Chair of this year’s Nominating Committee. To this end, please consider this to be your personal invitation to consider service on your Chamber’s Board of Directors.

While half of our officers and many of our directors still thankfully have time remaining on their terms of office, we do have more than a handful of open positions to fill. All that's required to be placed into consideration is that you be an active chamber member, or work for a chamber member organization, and have a desire to serve.

Does this sound like something that might interest you? If so, please feel free to contact Art today. The best way to get a hold of him is via e-mail at

One more thing that I wanted to mention about Art is that just last Friday morning he succeeded the late Honorable Joe McGranahan as the Chamber’s Transportation Committee Chairman. Art’s leadership is going to get us through the completion of the Central Susquehanna Valley Thruway and hopefully years beyond.

By working together our best days lie just ahead.

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