From Where I Sit...

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From Where I Sit…
by Bob Garrett 


"Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly." 

-Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Membership Matters 

No matter how you slice it, membership really does matter. When it comes to your Chamber of Commerce, everything we do and say emanates from our members. Said more directly, without members we have no reason to exist. 

Over this past weekend, while reading Saturday’s The Daily Item, I literally squealed while reading Chip Minemyer’s column. Chip is a CNHI regional executive and publisher of our hometown newspaper.  

Frankly, there’s very little that I could write beyond the case that Chip makes for Chamber membership. Therefore, I encourage you to please click this link and give Chip’s article a read-over right now. By working together our best days lie just ahead. 






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