From Where I Sit...

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From Where I Sit… 

By Bob Garrett 


"If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then, you are an excellent leader." 

- Dolly Parton 


Did you know that this fall, on October 17th to be exact, emerging and established woman leaders will come together for the Greater Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce’s 19th Annual Women's Leadership Symposium. 

Now, more than ever, you have unlimited potential when it comes to what you can achieve. The Symposium is designed to give you powerful information and profound insights that will make a lasting, positive impact on your life. This year’s theme is "Work-Life-Integration." 
Please know that you're cordially invited to join other local professionals in spending October 17th with some of the most inspiring people you'll ever meet – your conference presenters. These highly experienced presenters will call you to action in ways you'll never forget. 

You will take away from the Symposium literally new ideas, plans and techniques to boost your career, your attitude, your entire life. 
By the way, we're also looking forward to announcing the 21st Annual ATHENA honoree as part of the Symposium. Time is running low, but there's still time to make your nomination. Please Click Here to submit your nomination.  


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