From Where I Sit

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From Where I Sit… 

By Bob Garrett 


You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough  

other people get what they want. 

-Zig Zigler 


Why should I discover more about BNI?  


That’s a fair question, so let me try to give my best answer. This will be about seven good answers to this question: 

  1. You will get Quality Referrals. Tired of cold calls and money spent on marketing and outreach that produces no new business. Me too. Business Networking International might just be the person-to-person or one-to-one business development tool that has eluded you for too long. 

  1. Grow Your Network. Opportunities to network is the biggest reason that people say motivated them to join the Chamber. BNI is a veritable garden of new networks. 

  1. Learn Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. We could all brush up on giving smooth presentations and grow as public speakers. 

  1. Build a Support Team. During our weekly BNI we often talk about using our fellow BNI Chapter members as an extended sales force. You will find lots of other support from your fellow BNI members as the chapter grows. 

  1. Access Online and In-Person Training. Personal and professional growth, what you might call lifelong learning, is a core BNI value. 

  1. Ability to Take on a Leadership Position. Leadership is a tool in your toolbox. Just like all tools, it works best when used often and kept sharp. In BNI leadership is shared and each chapter member has a role in making the organization successful. 


Want to hear more about BNI? Need six or even sixty-six more reasons for why BNI might make sense for you. Please come to the Discover BNI session being held next Tuesday afternoon, August 20th, from 1:30-3:00 pm, in the Haddon Board Room at your Chamber headquarters in Shamokin Dam. 


Hope to see you there. 

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