From Where I Sit

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From Where I Sit… 
by Bob Garrett 

Paella and Pollinators 

“The hum of bees is the voice of the garden.” 
-Elizabeth Lawrence 


Did you know that Zach Stotter, your Chamber’s Director of Membership and Workforce Development, is a gardener extraordinaire, on the side? 

Last year, Zach took it upon himself to learn more about the long-established bushes, shrubs and other vegetation which encircle your Chamber headquarters. He concluded that we could do better when it comes to appearance, as well as supporting the biodiversity and environmental health of our area. By working alongside some local Master Gardeners and the good folks with the Cooperative Extension, Zach’s Pollinator Garden has grown into a lush show place. 

To celebrate our second year with our attractive and beneficial pollinator garden and hopefully to pass along some of the ‘shade tree wisdom’ we’re acquiring by being part of the solution to the stress that many critters are experiencing these days, we invite you stop by your Chamber headquarters, located at 2859 N. Susquehanna Trail in Shamokin Dam, between 5 pm to 7 pm, next Wednesday, July 17th for a portion of paella, fixins’, and great conversation. 

Just a little bit about paella: A quintessential Spanish dish, dating back to the Roman era, it incorporates savory meat or seafood along with sauces and spices with heaping servings of saffron rice. It’s prepared in a shallow pan, or paella (hence the name). Considered to be the national dish of Spain, declaring it as such can cause quite a ruckus among aficionados. It seems that several regions (Valencia, Catalina, and others), some of which are working on their own independence, claim paella as their own. Never mind all of that, it’s delicious and Zach will happily prepare a delicious dish, to eat here or to go, for your perfect ‘mid-Summer’ dinner in the early evening of next Wednesday, July 17th.    

Ah yes, it’s not quite the dog days of summer yet, but a Summer’s eve with friends both new and old would be delightful…and, together, our best days lie just ahead. 
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