It’s Medicare Open Enrollment time. So, what does that mean for you and your employees?
To help answer that question, I traveled to Harrisburg headquarters of the Pennsylvania Chamber Insurance, most of you know as PCI, to get more information.
Please listen into this week’s Elert interview that I had with Carrie Lutz, of PCI, who is a Certified Benefits and Medicare Consultant. Please note that Carrie is available to assist you and your employees with any Medicare and healthcare insurance questions that you may have. Her contact information is 717-720-5426 or email at
Please note that your Chamber has several other local member agencies who offer healthcare insurance, and I will be interviewing each of them to gain deeper and helpful information related to Open Enrollment opportunities and responsibilities.
Working together to provide you and your employees with the best possible updates on healthcare insurance coverage, I’m certain that our best days lie just ahead.