From Where I Sit

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This week, my Elert-inspired travels took me to the Cumberland County Borough of Lemoyne. There I stood in front of what remains of the fortifications known as Fort Couch. If the name Fort Couch doesn't immediately ring a bell for you, please know that you're in good company. This mostly unknown Civil War relic served as the hastily built fortifications which would have served as the key defensive artillery battery of Pennsylvania's capital city Harrisburg, had the Confederate troops been victorious in their summer of 1863 Gettysburg campaign.


With this now very peaceful memorial as my backdrop, I took the opportunity to mention that this week has officially been designated to be Buffalo Soldier Week across our fruited plains. My friends at the San Angelo (Texas) Chamber of Commerce are dedicating the National Buffalo Soldier Monument and Memorial Park tomorrow.


It may be interesting for you to know that while Buffalo Soldiers are often, but unfortunately incorrectly, affiliated with our nation’s Civil War, they did not muster until 1866, the year after the war ended. The two Buffalo Soldiers who served very honorably in the United States Army certainly trace their establishment to the US Colored Troops who served with great distinction and valor during the Civil War.


History is not the point of today’s Elert. However, I do believe that the more you read, study, and understand about the great examples of heroism and leadership of everyday people like you and me, within the context of our nation’s history, the better equipped we all will be to deal with today’s challenges. All of us, particularly young people, can greatly benefit from the hard earned lessons as exemplified by the Buffalo Soldiers.


A hearty and hale congratulations to our West Texas counterparts, for preserving this important sliver of our shared history. 


Closer to home, we’re thrilled to announce that the Class of 2024 cadre for Leadership Susquehanna Valley (LSV) is now on-board. In the coming days and weeks, I will tell you much more about these emerging leaders, the lessons they will learn, and their individual leadership examples. LSV celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, along with more than 750 graduates, to date. 

Leadership Susquehanna Valley has had, is currently having, and will continue to have a hugely positive impact on our valley and is a big part of why I boldly exclaim: Our best days lie just ahead.
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