From Where I Sit

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“Any committee is only as good as the most knowledgeable, determined, and vigorous person on it. There must be somebody who provides the flame.”
Lady Bird Johnson 

The perspective that is given to me as the overseer of all things Greater Susquehanna Valley Chamber is that your Chamber’s Mission, you know the one-liner about prosperity for all, is to a very large part made possible by our committees and the members of each of our 10 long-established committees.

You may have heard me state that your Chamber committees are where our Mission meets the road, where our high-sounding ideals and ideas grow legs, where we transition from talking the talk and start walking the walk.

If hands-on work in this vineyard of prosperity which we call the Greater Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce sounds like it could be of interest to you, please consider this your invitation to sign up. Our committees interconnect business with community—Agriculture, Business and Education, Young Americans, Women's Leadership and ATHENA, Community Prosperity, Transportation, Events, Governmental Affairs, Young Professionals and Communications & Technology. Committee sizes vary from the cozy intimacy of three Young Professionals to the always virtual and far-flung committee of nearly 60 Transportation advocates who meet monthly via Zoom.

The very best resource to learn more about each of the committee’s functions, the individual committee leadership, each committees’ meeting format, and general area of focus, please visit your Chamber’s website at:

You will learn how join with your 272 fellow Chamber members who currently serve in some capacity with our 10 committees as we cooperate, conspire, and contribute ideas and the know-how that will guarantee that our best days lie just ahead.

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