From Where I Sit…

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Don’t think that there’s any connection between this being Women’s History Month, in addition to this being the official “Clean Out Your Closet” week, but that’s how these things seem to work. Honestly, I can almost hear my mother’s exclamations to clean out my closet (also, my room), and in my mind, my Mom was a great woman. So, maybe there is a solid connection between the month-long celebration of the contributions women have made to history, and this week-long focus on tidying up.
More likely, ‘Clean Out Your Closet’ week is perfectly timed as the run up to spring cleaning. A week from today, spring will be here. Please keep in mind that spring cleaning is an excellent time to set aside a bag or more of gently used clothing and household goods to be donated to your favorite charity, be it Community Aid, Hand Up Foundation, Salvation Army, or another similar organization.
This is also a good opportunity to re-acquaint yourself and your family members to all the different items that can be recycled locally. With minimal pre-planning, your spring cleaning will provide you with a fresh start while minimally impacting the solid waste streams in our area.
Just a couple more recognitions and dates of distinction that I would like to mention to you are that today (March 15th) is national Small Business Development Center Day. We lean heavily on Steve Stumbris and his crew of hard-working and always insightful business advisors at the Bucknell Small Business Development Center. From where I sit, a single day to salute these professionals and their good works doesn’t nearly pay back the dividends that they invest in start-ups and small businesses in our valley.
The next day, Thursday, March 16th is ‘Companies Who Care Day.’ This day recognizes companies who work hand-in-hand with their employees. You know, those companies who look after the well being of their employees, their families, and their communities. The Greater Susquehanna Valley is full of these types of firms. Our area, and our Chamber member firms, can be held up in clear contrast to those companies who have become notorious for exploiting and over working their employees and not giving back to their host communities.
Friday, March 17th, is St. Patrick’s Day—but you already knew that.
We kick off next week with National Poultry Day, on Sunday, March 19th. Just guessing here, but I’m thinking that the choice of a Sunday designation has something to do with the ‘ol fashioned Sunday Chicken Dinner. One thing for sure is that the coordinators of this National Poultry Day have a sense of humor because they suggest that “This is a day for no fowl moods nor ruffled feathers. It’s a day for quacking and gobbling about the contributions which poultry makes to healthy, low-fat nutrition.”
Monday, March 20th is ‘Won’t you be my neighbor?’ Day. You guessed correctly, it’s Fred Rogers’ birthday. Born 95 years ago, in Latrobe, PA, on this day, Fred Rogers was a fellow Pennsylvanian, veritably a genuine neighbor. Technically, this day started as ‘Sweater Day’ to honor Rogers. Today, the day is more of a memorial celebration set aside to encourage random acts of kindness and gratitude toward our neighbors and anyone that we might cross paths with. On this day, and every day, let’s do something neighborly with sincere commemoration and respect much the same way that Mr. Rogers would have marked this occasion.
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