Rev. James A. Vitale, Jr. has been promoted from part-time Outreach Director to full-time Associate Director, beginning May 1, 2023. As outreach director, Vitale focused on marketing and communications. He will continue that work in an expanded role and will add to his portfolio new programming responsibilities, serving as the summer chaplain to the staff, and being a youth ministry resource to local congregations.

Vitale, who lives in Harrisburg, is originally from Albany, NY, but came to Camp Mount Luther by way of Beaver Lutheran Church, Beavertown. He will continue in a rostered minister’s call from the Upper Susquehanna Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
Vitale says he is excited for the possibilities in this new role.
“I am humbled by this opportunity to serve Camp Mount Luther even more. God has already blessed me so richly through my time there, and I’m excited to give back to such an important, meaningful, and wonderful community. I’m looking forward to stepping into camp’s rich traditions as well as helping to lead camp into new opportunities and ministries!”
Executive Director Chad W. Hershberger is looking forward to being able to expand the camp’s offerings.
“Jim has been an asset to camp since he started last year as outreach director. I’m excited for this expanded role and that we will be able to take advantage of more of his gifts. He is a visionary leader and has lots of new ideas to help the camp grow and explore new ways of reaching more people,” Hershberger said.
Camp Mount Luther, located five miles west of Mifflinburg off Route 45, is a Christian church camp that runs year-round outdoor ministry programming, including a nine-week summer camp. The camp is affiliated with the Upper Susquehanna Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and is accredited by the American Camp Association. The camp strives to provide resources and experiences in faith formation, worship, recreation, and intentional Christian community for all ages. In addition, the camp facilities are available for retreats and other meetings for church, community, and civic groups during the non-summer months. The site is used as the Outdoor Education Center for the Shikellamy and Midd-West School Districts. The camp serves people in Centre, Clinton, Columbia, Juniata, Lycoming, Mifflin, Montour, Northumberland, Perry, Snyder, Tioga, and Union Counties. For more information on any of Camp Mount Luther’s programs call the camp at (570) 922-1587 or visit