Bob's Just a Word: Another Link Welded into Place

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For the better part of the past decade your Chamber has provided the steady and ever-increasing in tempo drumbeat when it comes to building and strengthening the ‘Continuum of Education’ for our valley. The idea here is that career education and training is a lifelong endeavor. Said another way: ‘Everything effects everything,’ particularly when it comes to preparing a ready, willing, and able workforce which is programmed for prosperity.

This past week, thanks to the good work of the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit and their clear thinking, strategically focused Board of Directors, our local continuum of education got bigger and considerably stronger. The ribbon was cut on the newly minted LPN Career Center. During my quick tour of this center, I was highly impressed with the pedagogical care and thought, as well as the impressive faculty, that went into the design and operation of this facility located at 14 Lawton Lane, Milton.

As CSIU Director, John Kurelja pointed out, “We had to get this right. The students here at the LPN Center today, may very well save our life tomorrow.” Well said, John. The CSIU, along with their educational partners, are doing very important work: They’re inventing our future.

Congratulations to the CSIU and staff for continuing to build the Continuum of Education for all of us. Our best days lie just ahead.
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